For pupils to be able to read, write, spell and speak at age appropriate levels and following age-related expectations.
- For pupils to be exposed to a variety of literature, genres and authors.
- For pupils to write for a variety of purposes and audiences; clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style as required.
- For pupils to read and write daily.
- For pupils to be confident when writing and to read easily, fluently and with good understanding.
- For pupils to develop an understanding of grammar and punctuation and to acquire a wide vocabulary and to use these appropriately.
- For pupils to develop a love of reading for pleasure, as well as for information, by reading widely and often. For pupils to acquire strategies to enable them to become independent learners in English (spelling rules and patterns and how to tackle unfamiliar words when reading).
- For pupils to enter into discussion and to present their ideas to each other by talking, being able to elaborate and explain themselves clearly, make presentations and participate in debates.
- Pupils to take pride in their writing, following the Penpals handwriting scheme and present their work to a high standard.
- To create a positive reading and writing culture in school, where both are promoted, enjoyed and considered ‘a pleasure’ for all pupils.
- All pupils to receive a daily English lesson.
- For pupils in EYFS and KS1 to have daily phonics sessions, following Success for all Phonics.
- For Year 2-6, to use the No Nonsense Spelling scheme, delivering 2/3 sessions per week.
- Spellings sent home weekly and then tested in school. For Guided Reading sessions to take place daily in all classes, using the carousel approach. Pupils to have Reading Journals from Year 3 upwards.
- For all pupils to take reading books home frequently and to read regularly at home (both library books and independent readers).
- For pupils to be encouraged to read for pleasure – DEAR, book clubs, book fair, author visits, reading buddies, reading assemblies, competitions etc.
- Working Walls – all classes to have an English display to aid pupils and guide them through the process of Reading and Analysing, Gathering Content, Planning and Writing.
- Vocabulary – displays in class, vocabulary mats to be used. Thesauruses and dictionaries to be easily accessible for pupils to use.
- Units of work to be planned that follow the teaching sequence. Reading and Analysing, Gathering Content, Planning and Writing and cover a variety of genres and literary styles.
- Short writing opportunities to be planned for and at least one longer independent writing task in each unit of work.
- Teachers to plan different writing styles into other curriculum areas.
- Work to be differentiated as required and needed. Teachers and TAs to support ALL pupils on a regular basis; providing intervention, support and challenge that individuals require to advance their learning in all areas of English.
- Grammar and Punctuation to be taught alongside the Units of Work, often as starters to lessons.
- Teachers and TAs model reading, planning writing, writing and handwriting.
- Teachers read out loud daily to their class.
- Editing and proofreading skills are modelled by adults and used by the children.
- Displays of writing to encourage pride in work, give a purpose and audience and to show that work is valued.
- Pupils to have individual English targets in the front of their English books. Reviewed and amended regularly. Penpals Script to be used and staff to follow the school’s handwriting policy.
- To encourage and promote enjoyment in reading and writing events take place often throughout the year.
- Pupils enjoy reading regularly, for information and for enjoyment/pleasure.
- Pupils discuss books with excitement and interest.
- Pupils enjoy writing and use the features of different genres and styles. They can write for different purposes and audiences.
- Pupils are proud of their writing.
- Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display, used as WAGOLLs, made into class books, shared on Seesaw with their families etc.
- Skills progress (grammar and punctuation) throughout the school is evident in children’s books.
- Pupils are adventurous with vocabulary choices.
- Writing across the curriculum is the same standard as in English books.
- There is evidence of a clear teaching sequence in books; 1. reading and responding phase 2. reading and analysis phase 3. gathering content phase 4. planning 5. writing phase 6. scaffolded outcome 7. independent outcome
- A range of genres are taught across the school (progressing in difficulty) resulting in pupils being exposed to, and knowledgeable about, literary styles, authors and genres. They can express preferences and give opinions, supported by evidence, about different texts.
- Pupils use classroom resources to support their learning.
- Pupils presentation is of a high standard through following the school’s handwriting policy.
- Teachers moderate pupils work in school and in cluster meetings with other schools to ensure accurate assessments are made.
- Teachers track pupils’ progress each term in Reading, Writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. This informs planning and any intervention needed.
- PIRA tests in Reading are used to monitor progress.
- Pupil progress meetings with the Head teacher and teachers each term ensure different groups and individual progress is monitored and interventions organised to support progress.
- Intervention sessions enable a greater proportion of pupils to be on track to meet year group expectations or in the case of those working significantly below expectations to make better than expected progress. Subject leader provides an action plan for the subject and addresses areas for development and improvement annually.
- Subject leader does two reports for the governors each year so they are up to date with any new initiatives that have been introduced and the impact of these.
- Subject leader conducts learning walks, lesson observations, pupil interviews and book monitoring throughout the year. These inform future areas for improvement and the impact of new initiatives.
- Standards being met at the end of EYFS, Phonics Screening Check, KS1 and KS2 are broadly in line with local and national averages. Each year data is analysed and any areas for improvement identified and addressed. These are often included on the School Improvement Plan and English Action Plan.
At Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School we use the DFE approved Success for all phonics scheme for our KS1 children. Success for all phonics is a fully systematic synthetic phonic approach. The scheme ensures children develop passion for reading and the confidence to independently apply each skill when reading and writing. The phonics sessions are for an hour each day, the first part focussing on introducing new sounds and the second part focusses on shared reading using the sounds that have been introduced that week. Success for all phonics has a built in intervention programme 'Tutoring with the Lightening squad' which can be used with children from Y1 to Y6.