Following the Government’s agenda for schools, Endeavour Learning Trust (ELT) was set up as a multi academy trust (known as a MAT) in 2016. Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School converted and joined ELT on 1st November 2024.
The role of governance is slightly different once a school is a member of a MAT, with Local Academy Councillors overseeing the individual schools through their work in a Local Academy Councils (LACs) and Trustees overseeing all the academies in the MAT.
Trustees are responsible for setting the strategic direction and oversight of the Trust to ensure excellent education for all pupils and sustainable, efficient financial management. They make decisions that are in the best interests of the MAT as a whole and are not representative of any one of the constituent academies.
The primary function of the Local Academy Councils is to support and critically appraise the quality of the work of the Academy leadership in meeting the overall aims of the MAT, particularly in ensuring that the pupil and staff in the MAT are given every opportunity to thrive and achieve their best. For more information about Trust Governance please click here
Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School Local Academy Council
Academy Councillors are selected to cover a variety of stakeholders; there are two elected parent positions, one Headteacher and one staff (nominated by staff body and co-opted by the LAC on behalf of Trust Board), with four to six Councillors appointed by Trustees based on their skills and following nominations. The current LAC membership is summarised below and applications from the local community are welcomed. If you are interested in getting involved, please the school directly or the Trust’s Governance Professional, Catherine White, 01772 817904 (ext 1054) or
Training and Support
To keep abreast of new legislation and to maintain and learn new skills, Councillors are encouraged to attend the variety of training courses that are available to them. New Councillors are supported by a mentor. The Trust sets aside two additional meetings per year to concentrate on joint training objectives for Trustees and LAC Councillors.
Following the conversion of Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School, on the 1st of November 2024, a new Local Academy Council was established to oversee school improvement and stakeholder engagement.
The Chair of the Local Academy Council is Mrs Amy Hardman
If you wish to contact any councillor you can do so by:
Telephone - Call the switchboard on 01254 852381 and ask to leave a message
Email –
Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School Bournes Row Gregson Lane Hogton PRESTON PR5 0DR