The Nest

The Nest operates before and after school care, on site at BGL.
Early Birds – Breakfast Club
Our breakfast club provision is open from 07:30am – 08:30am.
Breakfast is available until 08:10am – A variety of options are available for breakfast each day in line with our healthy snack policy.
During our breakfast session we offer a variety of activities including crafts, construction, games and creative indoor play.
Night Owls -After school Club
Night owls after school provision is open from 3:00pm until 06:00pm after school during term time.
We carry out a variety of activities including crafts, construction, cookery, creative and indoor sports play and read books. There is also an outdoor area for physical play, weather permitting.
All children will be provided with a healthy snack.

Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School

Bournes Row, Gregson Lane, Hoghton, Preston Lancashire PR5 0DR

Headteacher: Mrs Kulsum Esa

01254 852